Tuesday, September 11, 2012

38 weeks (days before delivery!)

38 weeks

Upon learning that my only option for delivery was to go all natural, my husband and I decided it would be wise of us to consider hiring a Doula. I am so fortunate to have such a tight-knit family at the gym where I coach cheerleading because the mother of one of my athletes is a Doula. Not knowing exactly what she did or services she offered, I gave her a call looking for advice and told her my situation(because I was TERRIFIED!). On August 11th Matt and I met with Lisa at our house to talk in great detail about what I was looking for, what she could do to help us, and how we could have a successful natural birth!  I could write an entire post on my Doula experience (and I just might!!) because I have so many wonderful things to say about hiring a Doula. If you are considering a Doula, or want to have a natural childbirth, hiring a Doula you "click with" will be one of the best decisions you ever make!

*The week leading up to delivery*
Monday the 20th and Tuesday the 21st were like any other day.. I coached at the gym, went about my day as usual. At this point I was dilated to a 4.
Wednesday the 22, I had such severe pains, pinching, sharp shooting pelvis pains that I couldn't stand on my feet while trying to coach! I called and texted my Doula, Lisa for advice and she told me to lay down and get into different positions. I left practice (thank goodness we have an amazing staff to cover me!!) and basically crawled my way into my boss's office to lay on her pretty leather couches and do these positions. Wow was I in a lot of pain! But I wasn't having regular contractions so there was no need to go to the hospital. Laying in different positions (downward dog, lay on left side with right knee bent, etc.) helped relieve the pain and move the baby around so that she'd stop hurting me. After a few hours of this, the pain subsided and I was able to walk, talk, and breathe again (Thanks Lisa!)
Thursday the 23rd I had a Dr. appointment with a different doctor (my OB had been out of town for 2 weeks- scary!) and she gave me the good news that I was dilated to a 5!! woo! That explained the pain the day before, baby was moving down! During my exam the OB told me that I was having a contraction. I didn't even know it!!! She was full on checking me, telling me babys position and dilation and stopped to say "wow that was a good contraction!". I looked at her like an idiot, legs spread wide, and said "are you sure??!?". She told me that my cervix was "wide open" and predicted that my water would break and that's how I would go into labor. At this point I had lost my mucous plug and was (TMI) leaking all of that gross stuff out of me for about 1.5weeks. I continued coaching that night :)
Friday the 24th I had an ultrasound with one of Cleveland Clinic's most well known high risk doctors. He gave me his size prediction (7lbs) and jokingly told me that I was so dilated and the baby was so low that if I gave him one big push he would deliver the baby right there on the table. I like him. Too bad the baby's head was too low for a good reading of size.... That night Matt and I went down to my hometown to have dinner with our great friends Leannie and Kurt and their two beautiful children :)
Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th Matt and I hung out around the house.. very low key. We walked downtown Lakewood and went antiquing. Aside from walking as much as possible, I also rested and we worked on baby's room. I usually coach at the gym on Sundays.. but my boss kept me off the schedule and put Matt on to coach a couple of tumbling classes instead :)! I would regularly go in just to bop around and be social with everyone but I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home.
Monday the 27th I woke up, got ready and prepared for my hair appointment and to go straight from there to the gym. As I was getting ready I really didn't feel well. My pelvis hurt, my back hurt, I felt flu-ish & dehydrated and I was actually in a bad mood :( I cancelled my hair appointment, I called my boss and told her how I was feeling so she took me off the schedule, and I stayed home- in bed- and watched TV. I didn't walk, I didnt browse facebook or instagram or pinterest, I just watched TV. My husband got home from the gym, we ate dinner, and went to bed...
My day in bed :)

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